‘I was so moved, it nearly brought to tears.’

My name is Keziah, welcome to RAWD Reviews! I am writing this review because I love write, see theatre and share my creativity.

On the 26th of April I went to the Unity Theatre to see a show by Tip Tray Theatre called Space Invaders X Liar. The show was written by Maisy Gordon and Directed by Evan Byrne and starred Connor Ging as Sean, Daniel Owen as Ryan and Elspeth Todd as Jade. 

The show was a part of Unity Theatres Up Next Festival, a two-week arts festival celebrating Merseyside artists and organisations. There are even more shows on as part of the festival next week, go get tickets to see some of the great shows involved!

Space Invaders X Liar tells two separate stories, one after the other. Space Invaders being about two brothers called Ryan and Sean who have to confront changes in their family dynamic. And Liar being about a young woman who is struggling to get people to believe her when she says that something is wrong.

The first story was amazing, filled with emotion and humour. I was extremely impressed with the acting when they were arguing about their dad as I could really feel the anger and sadness in their performance.

I really resonated with the second story as I felt that I could really relate to the emotions and story. The girl who played Jade was amazing and her portrayal of emotions were amazing. I was so moved by her and honestly nearly brought to tears from her powerful emotions, and I could tell that the audience loved her as I could hear people saying ‘wow!’

“I really related to the show, I could see myself within the characters.”

I was also extremely impressed with the stage design and costumes as they felt very natural and fit in with each story. I loved how every single prop was made use of, especially how they would use the stage blocks for different things like chairs and drawers, it was really creative.

I could tell that Evan and Maisy really worked hard to get their stories told and I could tell they had put a lot of work into each story.  The audience definitely loved each story as they were laughing a lot and shared positive feedback in the Q&A after the show.

I would give this show a five out of five, it was definitely a must see show filled with emotions and vulnerability.


This is a place for Keziah to share any of her creative ideas that are inspired by the show!

The Rollercoaster

It happened again the same feeling of rejection

It happened again the same feeling of not being good enough

I turn and ask when will my chance come?

I drop and ask when will the world know how talented I am?

I loop de loop and ask when will I prove the world wrong?

It’s a rollercoaster of emotions.

I move up and down and ask when will I be happy?

I build adrenaline and feel trapped in an unhappy body

I turn side to side and feel like a burden.

It’s a rollercoaster of emotions.

When will the ride end? And when will it come to a holt? 

I need to learn to love myself, the ride as so must you.

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