our workshop packages

With ‘creative courage’ at the forefront of our work the sessions have been designed to create a safe and encouraging space for participants to flourish artistically. 

Here at RAWD we aim to provide disabled people with access to high quality inclusive workshops.

All our workshop packages can work towards a small showing, however if your group would just like to enjoy the sessions with no added pressure of a performance that’s fine too. 

RAWD can be booked for one off sessions or a longer series of workshops. Our team will travel to you and all we require is a bit of room to move about. 

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A 12 week interactive workshops series combining Dance, Drama and Music.

Time warp is a project allowing participants to freely explore moments in history through art with lots of added Rawd fun and madness.

Guided by our team, we will explore the three art forms creating a bespoke engaging piece of theatre, polished and practiced for a possible performance to peers/parents/carers.

Sessions are 2 hours long and can include a short break if needed.

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Superhero Storyville

12 week interactive workshop series exploring different ways to tell a story with an epic Superhero theme.

Using the classic good vs evil structure and creating our very own SuperHeroes we put storytelling skills to the test.

Encouraging new and unique ways to tell an epic tale the sessions are guided by the needs and requirements of the participants.

Expect poetry, dance, drama, singing, clowning...and of course a couple of bad guys thrown in for fun.

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I Move, We move

A 6 week interactive workshop series exploring self expression through movement.

Whether its contemporary dance or a cheesy dance routine these sessions are geared to getting your group moving, shimmying and dancing.

Perfect for both verbal and non verbal participants the sessions offer an inclusive and accessible way to explore different themes and ways to express ourselves.