My Life with the Wave at Theatre Porto: RAWD REVIEWS


‘I was very impressed with the performance and really enjoyed it!’

My name is Keziah, welcome to RAWD Reviews! I am writing this review because I think it's good to let other people know what to expect when going to a performance. Today I will be writing about My Life with the Wave at Theatre Porto.

On the the 17th of February I went to see My Life with the Wave. I was very impressed with the set when we arrived as it was a tent with deck chairs and beanbags, this made it feel relaxed and welcoming. I was also impressed with how kind the performers were with the children. They let them get involved as much as they could and even made conversation with them. The male performer stood out as he was very sweet with the children and made sure they were all included. He was especially sweet to a young boy as he kept letting the boy hit the ball he had. I loved how they made use of many different props and even used their hands for visual effects. The performance was an interactive experience for children with disabilities all to do with waves and the ocean. 

The performers were very talented and were very energetic, their energy was popular with the children as I could see the children were really getting into the performance and wanting to join in. One of the children kept getting up and jumping excitedly which was really sweet, what made it even better was the performers smiles when seeing this.

Keziah and Steffi at My Life with the Wave!

I personally was worried about being touched as the performers got pretty close. As a audience member I would have liked to be given the option of being touched or not, although I still loved the ideas and creativity that went into the performance. 

I was very impressed with the performance and really enjoyed it, I would give this show five stars out of five. It is definitely a must watch!


This is a place for Keziah to share any creative ideas that are inspired by the show!

Raven by keziah

On a cold winters day, a young girl was born called Raven. Little did she know she was born for greatness! As the years passed, she grew up to be a beautiful woman with curly black hair and beautiful ice blue eyes. People would always make comments on her appearance and tell her how beautiful she was but she was unhappy, she always thought there must be more to me than looks.

Every day Raven would wonder who she really was and if there was more to life then her looks. She would even go as far as asking her mum! Now her mum was not a kind person, in fact she was seen as the most horrible person in town. With her evil cold red eyes and an evil grin, she turned to her daughter and scoffed: "Don't be so ungrateful! Of course looks are all that matters!" 

Raven would cry every night about this, and one night while she was crying, a wizard with brown messy hair burst into her room! He was extremely tall, she had to look up to see him but even then she couldn't see his whole face. Now for some reason she didn't feel frightened, in fact she was curious. "Who are you?" she asked the wizard. The wizard looked down at her and smiled, a kind smile which Raven was not used to. "My name is Ray… you know like Ray of sunshine! I am a Wizard, now don't get all shocked but it's true, I am a wizard and I specialise in sun magic." He pulled out his wand and said some magic words which Raven could not understand and after he had said the words a massive yellow light came out of his wand!

Raven gasped in shock and amazement but then she started to wonder why he was here after all. She was just a girl, she wasn't special. But the wizard could see her doubts and spoke up, "Now I suppose you are wondering why I am here, well I am here because you have been born for a purpose and that purpose is to help people who are insecure. You see, looks are not all that matters and I have been watching you for a long time. You are kind, talented and very good at helping others which is why we wizards have chosen you to help other people".

Raven couldn't believe what she was hearing! If this was true then she now knew that maybe there was more to life than looks. "I'll do it" she says, accepting without hesitation. Which was strange because you think she would have been in disbelief or maybe even scared, but Raven wasn't. In fact she was excited!

As months went on she became a witch of kindness, she would help people every day find out their true talents and she even found a few talents of her own. She went on to be a famous witch with powers of love and kindness and she even became a famous singer! So, the moral of the story is, looks don't matter! You can achieve amazing things no matter what you look like. Now I am not saying you can be a witch… as that would be absurd! But you can still achieve so much, never give up on yourself!

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